Where to report a Phone scammer?

If you have been targeted or fallen victim to a phone scam in the UK, reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities is essential. Here are some organizations you can contact to report a phone scammer in the UK:

Report a scammer

1. Action Fraud

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting center for fraud and cybercrime. You can report phone scams and other fraudulent activities through their online reporting tool or their helpline.

Website: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/

Phone: 0300 123 2040

2. Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA)

If the scam involved premium rate phone services or you were charged without consent, you can report the incident to the PSA. They regulate phone-paid services in the UK.

Website: https://psauthority.org.uk/

Phone: 0300 303 0020

3. Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

You can report the incident to the ICO if you have received unsolicited marketing calls or text messages. They oversee data protection and privacy regulations in the UK.

Website: https://ico.org.uk/

Phone: 0303 123 1113

4. Your Local Police

You can also report phone scams to your local police force. While they may be unable to investigate individual cases, saying the incident can help build a broader picture of scam activity in your area.

Additionally, you should inform your bank or credit card provider if you have shared any financial information with the scammer. They can monitor your accounts for any suspicious activities and guide you on securing your finances.

Remember, providing as much detail as possible when reporting a phone scam, including any relevant phone numbers, email addresses, text messages, or other evidence that can assist the authorities in their investigations, is crucial. Reporting these incidents helps protect yourself and helps in combating phone scams and preventing others from falling victim to similar fraud.

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3 thoughts on “Where to report a Phone Scammer?”

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