Phishing Scam

A phishing scam is a type of cybercrime that involves the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information. Like usernames, passwords, credit card details, or other personal data, by posing as a trustworthy entity in electronic communication. Typically, the perpetrators, known as “phishers,” use deceptive emails, messages, or websites that mimic legitimate sources. Such as banks, online services, or government agencies, to deceive and manipulate individuals into disclosing their confidential information.

“phishing” is a play on the word “fishing,” as the attackers cast a wide net, hoping to catch unsuspecting victims. Once the user provides the requested information on the fake website or in response to a deceptive message. The phisher can use the stolen data for various malicious purposes. Such as identity theft, unauthorized financial transactions, or gaining unauthorized access to the victim’s accounts.

What is the Phishing Scam?

Phishing is an online scam where fraudsters pretend to be reliable sources to deceive people into revealing confidential details. They use fabricated emails, websites, or messages that seem legitimate. The main aim is to steal crucial data or cash, resulting in identity theft or financial harm.

Phishing scam-what is a phishing scam?
Phishing scam

Types of Phishing scam

This scam is a type of cyber-attack in which scammers try to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information. Such as login credentials, personal information, or financial details.

Phishing scams are typically carried out through various methods, such as:

  • Spear phishing
  • Whaling
  • Vishing
  • SMS phishing (Smishing)
  • Email phishing
  • Pharming
  • Cloning
  • Social media
  • Deceptive phishing
  • Man-in-the-middle attack
  • Pop-up phishing
  • Evil twin phishing
  • Watering hole phishing
  • Website spoofing
  • Clickjacking
  • Malware phishing
  • Image phishing

Spear Phishing:

Spear-phishing is a type of cyberattack where a specific person is targeted to gain access to their sensitive information. Like login details or financial data. It’s usually done with malicious intent.

Spear phishing is an email scam wherein a personalized email is sent to an individual or an organization to trick them. The email contains a malicious link that appears to be legitimate, prompting the user to click on it.

Once clicked, the user is redirected to a fraudulent website where they are asked to input sensitive information. Such as login details, credit/debit card details, or other confidential information. 

The email in spear phishing is crafted to appear as if it is coming from a legitimate source, but it is fraudulent. It is essential to note that spear phishing is a manual and more sophisticated type of attack.


Whaling is an email phishing attack that targets high-ranking officials such as CEOs, COOs, and CTOs. The attacker sends an email containing a harmful link disguised to look like it has come from a trustworthy source. Whaling scammers try to deceive their victims into taking harmful actions, often attempting to acquire sensitive information or infect the victim’s system with malware.

These phishing emails typically contain urgent business matters and are always addressed to the targeted individuals using their specific titles and position. An example of a whaling attack is a tax scam.


Vishing is a social engineering scam in which fraudsters try to trick individuals into revealing sensitive personal information or performing certain actions over the phone. The term “vishing” is a combination of “voice” and “phishing.” These attackers often impersonate legitimate institutions, such as banks, government agencies, or technical support, in order to gain the victim’s trust and obtain valuable information such as credit card numbers, passwords, social security numbers, or other sensitive data.

During a vishing scam, the scammer may use tactics such as caller ID spoofing to appear as a trustworthy organization or use persuasive techniques to create a sense of urgency, putting pressure on the victim to share confidential information. It is important to be cautious and never provide sensitive information to unsolicited callers.

SMS Phishing Or Smishing:

It’s a dangerous cyber-attack method where scammers use text messages or SMS to trick people into giving away personal information or taking harmful actions. The word “smishing” comes from the combination of “SMS” and “phishing,” which is when fraudsters pretend to be trustworthy sources to get sensitive data like passwords or credit card numbers.

Scammers simultaneously send these text messages to many people, pretending to be legitimate organizations like banks or government agencies. The notes often say something alarming or urgent, encouraging victims to click on the wrong links, call a specific number, or share sensitive information immediately. Click here to get more information about Smishing.

Unfortunately, when people fall for these tricks and give away their info, attackers can use it for nasty things like stealing identities, committing financial fraud, or accessing accounts without permission.

It’s essential to be aware of this type of scam and always to be cautious with sensitive information.

Email Phishing:

Email phishing is one of the most common cyber-attacks that individuals and organizations face today. This attack involves using fraudulent emails designed to deceive and manipulate victims into revealing personal and sensitive information.

These attacks are typically carried out by malicious actors who pose as trustworthy entities, such as banks, social media platforms, online services, or colleagues.

Once the victim’s trust is gained, the attacker will attempt to persuade them to take specific actions that will ultimately lead to the disclosure of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, and other confidential information.

It is essential to be careful and alert when receiving emails from unfamiliar sources, as email phishing attacks can cause significant harm to both individuals and businesses.


Pharming is a sneaky cyber-attack that tricks people into going to fake websites without realizing it. The term “pharming” comes from combining “phishing” and “farming” because it involves messing with the domain name system (DNS) to send people to malicious sites. It’s a severe threat that can compromise people’s online security.


Clone phishing, a social engineering scam, is deceptive tactic cybercriminals employ to mimic legitimate emails and trick recipients into divulging sensitive information.

In this scheme, attackers create duplicate emails that resemble genuine ones, making it difficult for unsuspecting individuals to differentiate between them.

The consequences of falling victim to clone phishing can be severe, and it is crucial to remain vigilant and exercise caution when receiving emails from unknown sources.

Social Media scam:

Social media phishing is harmful and deceitful method cybercriminals use to deceive users on social media sites into sharing confidential information or performing actions that jeopardize their safety.

These attacks often imitate genuine messages from trustworthy sources, but they are fraudulent attempts to obtain personal data like login credentials, credit card information, or other sensitive details. Read More about Social Media Scam.

You must maintain a vigilant and cautious attitude while using social media to avoid being targeted by any potential attacks. Cybercriminals use social media phishing to trick users into sharing confidential information or performing actions that put them at risk. These attacks imitate genuine messages but are fraudulent attempts to obtain personal data. Stay cautious and vigilant to avoid becoming a victim.

HTTPS Phishing Scam:

HTTPS Phishing is a type of cyber-attack that involves deceiving people into revealing their sensitive data, such as passwords or credit card details, by setting up fraudulent websites that masquerade as legitimate ones. These bogus sites may use HTTPS protocol to appear secure, but they are aimed at stealing personal information from unsuspecting users. To stay safe, double-check a website’s authenticity before sharing confidential data online.

Deceptive Phishing Scam:

This Scam is a cyber scam designed to trick people into giving away their personal information, including login credentials and financial details. Scammers use tactics to send fake emails or messages from trusted sources like banks or big companies.

These fraudulent messages aim to deceive recipients into sharing sensitive data, which attackers can use for malicious purposes. To protect yourself, always be cautious and double-check the legitimacy of any suspicious messages before sharing any personal information.

Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM):

It’s a cyber-attack where an attacker covertly intercepts and relays messages between two parties who believe they are communicating directly. This attack is form of eavesdropping where the attacker intercepts and takes control of the conversation without knowing the Victims.

Pop-Up Phishing Scam:

It’s a fraudulent scheme where advertisements deceive users into downloading malware onto their devices to buy unnecessary antivirus software. These ads often utilize fear-mongering techniques.

Evil Twin Phishing Scam:

It occurs when malicious individual creates false Wi-Fi access point to trick users into connecting instead of the legitimate one. Once connected, the attacker controls all data shared on the network as it passes through a server they oversee.

Watering hole Phishing Scam:

A watering hole attack is a type of cyberattack that focuses on a group of users by infecting websites that they frequently visit. This attack is named after animal predators that stay near watering holes and wait for a chance to strike their prey when least expecting it.

Website spoofing:

It’s a fraudulent scheme in which cyber criminals create a website that closely mimics a trusted brand. By using a domain name virtually identical to the legitimate brand’s web address. This Scam aims to deceive customers, suppliers, partners, and employees of the honest brand into visiting the fraudulent website and disclosing sensitive information. Such as login credentials, Social Security numbers, credit card information, or bank account numbers.

ClickJaking Scam:

Clickjacking is an attack that deceives users into clicking on an invisible or disguised webpage element. This can lead to downloading malware, revealing sensitive information, transferring money, or making online purchases without realizing it. Stay vigilant while browsing online to avoid this type of attack.

Malware Phishing Scam:

Malware attacks refer to malicious software designed to damage server, client as well as infrastructure, without the user’s knowledge.

Image Phishing Scam:

Image phishing involves sending a phishing email with a message embedded in an image attachment. The phisher creates a phishing email, converts it into an image, and then sends it to its targets.

How to avoid Phishing Scam

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